5 Tips to Get Inspired When You're in a Slump

The lack of inspiration, the fatigue, the dearth of ideas, you know what it is…the dreaded creative slump. If you make art long enough it happens, and maybe it happens a lot! We work with so many creatives and artists, and we are artists ourselves, so we know the slump is real!

Everyone is different and everyone is going to have different ways of combating a slump. Here we discuss some ideas to lean on if you are currently in a slump or find yourself in one in the future.

overcoming a creative slump

#1- Try a New Material

 Try a new material to get into play mode. When you go back to exploring rather than pushing a specific direction with your typical medium, it releases you to channel that young artist feeling again and tap into new ideas and curiosity. Release the feeling that everything you make needs to mean something!

#2- Take a Class

A class can offer a break from your responsible artist self coming up with new ideas and having to guide the creative ship. Instead when taking a class, someone else is in charge and you can tap into play and exploration and feel creative again. Learning from someone else can be very inspiring and freeing! 

overcoming a creative slump

#3- Book an Artist Date

So much inspiration and creativity can come from connecting with other artists. After spending time in real life or even on Zoom with other artists, you almost can’t stop yourself from having new ideas. Talking shop is always a good thing, and it can build your confidence. We’ve seen so many creatives come together and we see it over and over again that connections make all the difference!

#4- Set Up a Studio Visit

Reach out to a collector or a friend, and invite them to the studio. Prepare in advance, and talk to them about your work! Your own work can re-inspire you, and having a fresh take from a visitor has the potential to generate new ideas. Feeling like the professional you are can also be invigorating! Our art is meant to be seen, and this helps you tap into that purpose.

#5- Use a Deadline

Find a way that you can build in deadlines to help keep you focused on your creative work. This could be setting up a meeting with an art world professional to share your progress or finding a show to apply for. Those deadlines can be really key to motivation and get you out of the emotional side of things. It gets you to refocus and concentrate on the work!

We hope that is helpful as you put yourself out there and apply for shows! We are here for you, we are cheering you on, and we believe in the work you are doing as thriving artists!  Join the Thrive Together Network to build your network of support! You can learn more about joining our community here.