How to Be a More Empowered Artist

Encouraging and supporting artists to find confidence in their work and their careers is at the heart of the Thrive Together Network. It can be so easy to get down on ourselves, to feel lost and without a compass, or to feel lonely and like no one is out there who understands.

We want you to have a healthy mindset, to feel confident in decisions, and to live empowered lives as artists. THAT is how we will influence the art world and our communities around us. We believe empowered artists build community, and community is what we are all about.

Since knowing and valuing ourselves as artists is so crucial, we want to share 5 ways you can be a truly empowered artist!

artist empowerment

#1- Clarify your Vision + Build your North Star

Make sure your vision for your art career is clear to you right now. Your North Star is your personal mission statement. It's a fixed destination that you can depend on in your life as the world changes around you. We have a free guide to help you do this on our website at 

boundaries for artists

#2- Strengthen Your “Building Boundaries” Muscle

Empowered artists have STRONG  and CLEAR boundaries! Take time to consider your ideal day, week, or month. Time is your most valuable resource, so knowing how you want to spend your time and make decisions to protect those activities. Know what you will say NO to so you don’t get swept into projects that take you away from what you value. 

artist retreat

#3- Make time for yourself that is JUST FOR YOURSELF

Can we really feel empowered as artists unless we have a deep knowledge, understanding, and love for ourselves as individuals? Get away once or twice a year to sleep, nourish your body with good food, and get tuned in with your thoughts. Learn more about who you are and learn to love that amazing artist.

positive peers for artists

#4- Surround Yourself with Positive Peers

Be more empowered by surrounding yourself with empowered people! These are people who inspire you, who delight in you, appreciate you, and who support you. Build yourself up by surrounding yourself with people who exude messages of acceptance, love, and creativity.

art studio planning

#5- Be Intentional about Closing Your Loops

The book “Burnout” by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, explains that stress is a cycle and if we don’t complete the cycle it can cause damage to our bodies and our minds. It is important for artists to not get caught up in cycles of continual production and projects without closing our loops. We need to implement PAUSING and RECOGNIZING the work we have done, and most importantly, don’t forget to CELEBRATE!

You will feel your best and make your best work when you feel empowered. We hope you can use these steps to build yourself up and let your confidence influence your communities for good. The Thrive Together Network is centered around empowerment, so head to to join in on the many ways we work to support you and your art practice.