Top 5 Resources for Artists


We get it, you’re a busy artist who juggles many things including trying to find the time to create your work. To make life a little easier for you, we’ve gathered together our five favourite resources for artists!

#1 Artwork Archive

Need to keep track of your inventory? Artwork Archive is a great art resource for keeping track of your artwork, showcasing your portfolio and growing your business. Some of our other favourite features include the ability to easily create reports and track your sales and contacts.

Artwork Archive offers free trials of their plans which range from $6, $12 to $18 per month depending on what you need. You can also upgrade at any time. If you use this link you receive a 20% discount and THRIVE receives a small payment if you sign up. Win-win!

#2 Canva

Need great looking graphics but you don’t have time to learn and develop your graphic design skills? With Canva, you can easily create beautiful designs and documents using professional layouts and templates. All you need is a good eye and you can use their simple drag-and-drop format. Canva also provides access to photographs, vector images, graphics, and fonts. Perfect for making invitations, social media images with text, posters and takeaways.

Canva is free to start using and there are many free templates to choose from as well. For artists who need more customization options you may find the Pro Option at $12.99 per month worth the upgrade.

#3 Later

Do you ever struggle with not knowing what to post when on Instagram? Or accidentally go days without posting because you are so busy? Later is a fantastic art resource as it is the number one marketing platform for Instagram. With Later, you can visually plan, schedule and analyze posts for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter too. With a little preplanning you can spend far less time on Instagram and stay on track!

Later’s features include visual content calendar which allows you to preview your feed before you post. It’s easy to drag and drop platform is easy to use and you can also schedule automatically to Instagram. Auto Publish is available for Instagram business profiles.

Later’s price plans are for individuals and for businesses. They range from free to $49/month for all the bells and whistles. To start with you may want to try the free or Plus plan for $9/month.

#4 Quick Books

Artists who share and sell their work are also business owners and so need to keep track of their finances. We talk a lot about tips and tricks for doing this here but tracking your numbers is key and Quick Books is designed to help with that. Quick Books is an all-in-one small business accounting software that will help you organize your financials, save time with automation and get paid fast.

If you don’t want your money to feel like a mystery to you any longer you’ll want to track your expenses and income and can connect your bank accounts, credit cards, PayPal, and more to automatically download all your income and expenses. This means you can clearly see your financials!

Depending on your needs Quick Books plans range from $10 to $50 per month. They offer free unlimited support and there is no obligation so you can cancel anytime.

#5 The Thrive Together Network

Being an artist is important but often lonely work. Likely you know how important it is to connect with other working artists who you can hold each other accountable, identify each other’s blindspots, provide support and finally, keep making work.

You can create your own group of like-minded peers by networking or you can also join an existing group, like the Thrive Together Network our online community for female visual artists! With over 400 members, the Thrive Together Network is a great way to connect with a diverse range of working artists from all over the world. Our easy to use platform is exclusive to TTN members.

On the Thrive Together Network, you will experience community, content, and conversations you can’t find anywhere else. You will meet other like-minded working female artists to share your experiences with and gain insight to make better, more well-informed decisions about your art practice and business. It is also a space to find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and different perspectives every day.  

You Will Have Access To

✔ A plethora of resources for artists including a library with a checklist of highly recommended things to work on to help build your art business and art practice.

✔ Opportunities to connect with over 400 like-minded working artist professionals.

✔ Tips, resources and information to take your art practice to the next level.

✔ Opportunities to share residencies, submissions, art shows and more.

✔ Questions, tips and resources on marketing, finances, and all things related to your art business.

The Thrive Together Network is $45/month or save and sign up for a year at $395 and you can join now with our free trial!